
Digital-Tutors - 在3ds Max中创建卡通人物UV坐标
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Digital-Tutors - Creating UV Layouts for Cartoon Characters in 3ds Max

Digital-Tutors - 在3ds Max中创建卡通人物UV坐标

在3ds Max里使用多种技术来展开科学家卡通角色的UV坐标。


In this course we will use a variety of techniques to  create a UV layout for the scientist character in 3ds Max. When  texturing polygonal geometry, having a good UV layout is really  important. Even when using interactive painting packages like Mudbox or  ZBrush, having a well laid UV map will make modifying the textures  easier.   In this course, we'll make use of the Unwrap UVW modifier and its  various mapping techniques to create multiple UV layouts for our cartoon  character. We'll use some basic projection methods like planar mapping  or cylindrical mapping and we'll use pelt mapping to unwrap the head. In  addition, we'll take a look at how we can copy and paste UVs to  different parts of the character and some methods for making sub-object  selections easier. Upon completion, you'll have a UV layout for your  modeled scientist character and be able to create UVs for your own  characters.


标签: max 教程 贴图 坐标
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > 3Ds max
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/8/27 19:03:34 | 更新时间:2015/10/4 20:36:16

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